Kiss the Cook & Cranberry Almond Cookies Recipe
Searching for the perfect cookie to bring to that Holiday Cookie Party?! At the risk of sounding super basic - I am going to say it - I love a good cookie swap! Any excuse to try out new cookie recipes and send them off to another home fulfills my baking itch and allows me to sneak home cookies that the kids never know about! This year I was feeling the fresh cranberries and, surprisingly there were few and far between good looking cookie recipes that utilized them! I though I was going to have to do some doctoring of a few recipes because they all seemed to use a cake-mix cheat. Not in my kitchen! Just kidding, I just wanted from scratch if I was using fresh cranberries. I finally stumbled upon this recipe.
My secrets to following a good cookie recipe:
The cookies came out perfect! They were doughy and cakey. The almond shown through just lovely and the tart kick from the poppy cranberries was just as I had hoped! The recipe was easy to follow and quick, an hour (not including butter softening time), which is just right for cookies! I was a little sad to send them off to the exchange but am happy to have more cranberries will be making these little goodies again soon!
I paired these fresh cranberry almond cookies with a Kiss the Cook apron from PCB Home - a new favorite!

To see more of my cooking adventures and love of aprons hop over here!