Growing Green Beans
I feel the need to start this off saying I am very novice to gardening. This is only my second year with raised garden beds and growing vegetables. My gardening style swings between growing some of the easiest food and flower plants to attempting to grow things that are extremely finicky and do not like our growing zone. Living in Florida’s zone 9b has been tough on my lack of experience. There are a couple things I found to be super helpful gardening in FL.
Drip Hose or some sort of irrigation on your garden! This Spring has been extremely dry and hot. Getting about 1/2 inch of rain a week and hitting the high 80’s!
Good soil. You can order compost by the bucket truck load from many different locations around town to till in with your Florida sand or fill a raised bed with.
Jumping into gardening I would love to start sharing the plants that I have found to be the easiest to grow and green beans are one of them! Beans, beans the magical fruit.. For real, let’s talk about that song because my husband and I grew up singing two different versions and I find his to be terrible sounding. Back to growing beans, they are one of my favorites because they germinate and start to sprout super fast. They look like little alien plants and start to produce green beans in 55 days! Green beans are great because they do not need much attention and like a well draining soil, full sun, and heat which is easy to find Central Florida. I bought my beans off Johnny Select Seeds the Trilogy Bush Beans seeds.
Beans sprout quickly - in just a couple days in a well drained and kept moist soil
Beans grow quickly and have crop in just 55 days
Beans like well drained soil and need little maintenance
Beans like full sun and are not bothered by the heat
One thing I did not realize about growing beans is that there are two variations - pole beans and bush beans. Pole beans grow up a trellis of some sort and bush beans do not need support and grow in 2 foot bushes. While I am continuing to plant more bush beans around the property I am also excited to bring some pole wax beans to the table.
Beans, beans the magical fruit!
I love to see all the different steps to growing green beans!
Get out there and grow some beans!