Fall Cravings
It is such a lovely day today! The weather is turning for the better and so enjoyable in the shade. It is giving me all kind of autumn feelings! On top of making me crave pie, coffee and the smell of books. I know that last one is a weird one but Fall makes me want to just grab every book off the library shelves and bury my face in them! I am such a book smell junky that I believe there are different scents that come with different page types and inks. One of the best smelling books I've come across happens to be Where The Wild Things Are, that I get to enjoy every night thanks to Fletcher! I try to read one to two adult books a month, mostly on the subjects of photography, business or a good love novel. Nicholas Sparks is always a wonderful, light read that always leave this romantic in tears. If you haven't taken a whiff of a good book lately, I'm suggesting you do so and maybe even give it a read.
As for pie and coffee, those are obvious Fall cravings! Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry, pecan and so many more pies. Any flavor pie, please! Maybe pie is a pregnancy and Fall craving mixed.. And who doesn't love a nice iced coffee. I am so not a PSL lover, I get it but a good iced coffee with enough cream for a small army is perfection! Here's hoping that you are enjoying this weather and fulfilling your cravings, whatever they may be this Fall!