Coffee Talk | Feelin' 22

Ready to start my second quarter century, not a day over 26!  I have T Swift to thank for making the best soundtrack for every twenty-something!  I always feel so rejuvenated around my birthday, maybe it has to do with being in my zodiac element, but I do feel amazing!  I also feel renewed adoration for my momma, you're the best and am still awestruck with being a mother myself.  On a side note, Fletcher's obsession with trucks is growing rapid speed!  He has gone from calling them "choo choos" to "big truck."  Every morning he pulls his blinds back and peaks at all the "big trucks" on the road.  My heart was brimming with trucky love when he screamed at the UPS deliver, "big truck," he chuckled too.  I love watching him grow with little developments like "big truck" love. 

I guess I am getting older or at least enjoying a more polished pallet.  On my search for dried fruit without added sugar (or sodium nitrates) I stumbled upon a hidden gem.  A morsel that I once rode off as "old people food," drum roll please, prunes!  If loving prunes is wrong then I don't want to be right. I love prunes so much I made a prune "cake" stack, pictured below. Maybe this is homage to my age increase up but they are seriously so good!   

I, also, wanted to start 2015 with a new planner and made it my mission to find a timeless and useful one!  This year I switched from my tried and true Lilly Pulitzer Agenda, which I still totally love, to a Whitney English Day Designer and let me just say love is a fickle friend!  Within the first few days I was delving into my goals and values as a business, not to mention playing with gelly rolls.  I love all the features of the Day Designer and am so excited to continue to fill my calendar with shoots of beautiful weddings!  Cheers to all the love stories and PSJ brides of 2015!  

day designer and prunes @psjphotography
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