Yoga Lemon | Teaching My First Mommy-and-Me Class
Today was the big day! I was going to be teaching my first yoga class in over four years! Crazy to think that it has been four years since I last threw my mat down and shared my yoga practice with some amazing people. I got right to work creating a small flow cheat-sheet, in case I got lost in the class. It was during the creation of this sheet that I realized a lot of the sanskrit names for the poses had slipped my mind. Actually even some of the English names were demoted to motions that I repeated in my home practice without a name... You see, I have been mostly continuing a home practice for over a year now! I realized I haven't stepped into an actual studio since MK was born.
I know these are oranges but I don't run across too many lemon trees!
Now I am really starting to cast judgements on myself and feeling slightly inadequate. I called my cousin Alex because he always knows how to soften a hard bump in the road. He consoled me with the normal, "you'll do great." But one thing he said really stuck out, that you are your biggest critic. Let that sink in! Nobody really cares if you can name all the sanskrit yoga poses, we all are there to learn. That is the beauty of a yoga practice that even a teacher is always learning. Once I remember that judgment is the thief of joy I was able to relax and let my yoga teaching, light shine.
I walked into the amazing all cork studio that is Yoga Lemon, greeted my teacher, Lisa, plopped MK on the floor and waited. Here comes the humbling part -- nobody showed. It's OK because I am an emotional ninja and not a big softy. So I just let it roll off my back like water on a duck. If you know me then you know I'm just kidding, there was a small tinge of sadness. I used my time there to hang in their kites in suspended supta buddha konasana.
It was in my inverted thoughts that I came to the realization that I needed this! I needed this moment to realize the beauty of the yoga journey. I needed this moment to be reminded that I need to take time for myself and continue to learn from my teachers. That is the beauty of yoga, the continuation of learning with a humble heart.
So all you moms out there that want to try yoga but have a little three and under, follow me to Yoga Lemon! Bring it on next week, Im ready for you!